Teachers and administrators can send text messages to their students directly within AllHere. Every text message sent and reply received is logged and tracked within the platform.
- Click Check-ins on the top navigation bar.
- Click the +New button to create a new check-in.
- Select the student you would like to send a text message to. Then, choose a strategy, and select "Text Message" from the drop-down menu in the Format section.
- Enter the content of the message you would like to send to the student, and then click the Create & Send button to send the text message and log your check-in. (Warning: Be sure that this is the message you want to send to the student before clicking the Create & Send button. Once clicked, messages cannot be edited or unsent.)
- If the student does not have a valid, US mobile phone number, the text message cannot be sent. To resolve this error:
- Click the student's name in the Student section to open his/her profile in a new browser tab
- Save a valid, US mobile phone number on the student's profile
- Return to your check-in and click the Create & Send button to try again
- Once a valid, US phone number is present for the student, clicking the Create & Send button will send the text message. Students receiving a text message for the first time will receive an introductory message followed by the message you wrote.